Soal bahasa inggris SD I,II,II
Kelas III
A. Read the text Carefully and Choose the Correct answer based on the text below !
Bacalah dengan hati-hati dan pilihlah jawaban yang benar berdasarkan text berikut!
My Activity
To day is Sunday. I get back from school early every Saturday. Yesterday was Friday. Tomorrow will be Sunday. Sunday is holiday . my friend and I do not go to school tomorrow.
1. What day is today ?
a. Friday b. Sunday d. Tomorrow
2. I and my friend do not to school, because ?
a. Holiday b. Saturday d. everyday
3.The color of our flag are …………
a. yellow and white b. red d. red and white
4.The day before Friday is
a. Thursday b. Wednesday c. Saturday
5. Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow is ……..

6. What does he is feel ?

7. What does he is feel ?
a. He is angry b. He is Happy c. He is sleepy

a. School b. Teacher c. Doctor
9. my family has a breakfast in the…………..
a. living room b. dining room c. bath room
10. I usually ………at 04. 30 in the morning .
a. take a bath b. Go to school c. Get up
B. Match the kinds of word with the meaning !
Cocokkanlah kata-kata berikut dengan artinya !
1. get up (…….) a. Kemerah-mirahan
2. sweep the floor (…….) b.Besok
3. go to school (…….) c.Ngantuk
4. have break fast (…….) d.Ruang kelas
5. Sunday (…….) e.Gajah
6. elephant (…….) f.Bangun tidur
7. classroom (…….) g.menyapu lantai
8. reddish (…….) h.Pergi kesekolah
9. tomorrow (…….) i.Makan pagi
10. sleepy (…….) j. Hari minngu
C. Fill in the blanks bellow!
Isislah titik berikut !
1. The color of Our uniform are…………..and red
2. I Go to school at …………o’clock everi day
3. Today is Friday yesterday is……….tomorrow is Saturday
4. Tomato is …………….color
5. We have ………….at 13.00 o’clock
D. Answer these following question !
1. How often do you take bath everyday ?
2. How often do you read book everyday
3. How many pen do you have ?
4. What color our flat ?
Kelas satu
A. Choose the Correct answer based on the text below !

1. What is this ?
This is………….

2. It is a ……………
a. Stove b. Knife c. Fork

a. is b. no c. Onion

a. Clock b. Pillow c. shoes
5. It is a ……………

That is a ………….
a. Table b. Chair c. pen

This is…………..
a.School bag b. Pencil c. pen

8. It is a ……………
a. pen b. Plate c. gas Stove

9 Is it a book ?
a. is b. No,it is not c. yes
10. It is a ……………
B. Match the kinds of word with the meaning !
Cocokkanlah kata-kata berikut dengan artinya !
1. Bottle (…….) a.Wortel
2. Spoon (…….) b.bawang mirah
3. Blanket (…….) c. sepatu
4. Door (…….) d.Botol
5. Drawing book (…….) e.Sendok
C. Fill in the blanks bellow!
Isislah titik berikut !
1. It is a ………….book (Buku gambar)
2. I Wear ……………..and shoes (Kaos kaki)
3. My mother uses ……………… cut onion (Pisau )
4. I Use …………………To write book (Bulpen)
5. I bring ………To go to school (Tas sekolah)
D. answer the question below !

1. What is this ? This is a………………

2. it is a……………….

5. What is that ? that is a …………..
Soal Kelas II
A. Choose the Correct answer based on the text below !

1.What is he ? He is a…………
a. Farmer b. Singer d. teacher

a. Zoo b. library d. Mosques
3. is your father is a dancer ?
a. yes, he is b. yes d. Not
4.What is your mother ? My mother is a waiter
Waiter is…………..
a. Penyanyi b. pelayan d. Perawat
5. How do you go to school ? I go to school By On foot
By on foot is……….
a. dengan kaki b. Dengan kereta d. Dengan pesawat
6. What your father job ? My fther is (Tukang kayu )
a. Carpenter b. waitress d. driver
7. What is this ? This is a (lapangan Udara )
a. Airport b. Pilot d. sailor

8.what is that ? That is a ………
a. book b. Field d. Hospital is a ……………(dispensary)
a. apotik b. kebun binatang d. kolam renang
10. My hobby is shooting shooting .shooting is ………………
a. Memukul b. menimbak d. menyipak
B. Match the kinds of word with the meaning !
Cocokkanlah kata-kata berikut dengan artinya !
1. wood (……….) a.stasiun kereta api
2. carriage (……….) b.senam
3.raily satiation (……….) c. kayu
4.fisherman (……….) d. kereta kuda
5.jogging (……….) e. nelayan
C. Fill in the blanks bellow!
Isilah titik berikut !
1. my father Jakarta by bus
2. My hobby is…….tennis (Tennis meja )
3. I am in the …………now (kantor pos )
4. A……….Helps a doctor (Perawat )
5. We use a……… to cycling
D. Answer the question below !
Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sesuai dengan gamabar !
1. How do you go to school ?
2. What is this ?(Kebun binatang )

4. What is this ?

5. What is that ?
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