Soal Bahasa Inggris I

Kelas satu

A. Choose  the Correct answer  based on the text below !
Pilihlah jawaban yang benar berdasarkan text berikut!
1. What is this    ?
      This is………….   
   a. Socks                    b. shoes                       c. Dress

2.  It is a ……………
   a. Stove                    b. Knife                       c. Fork
     3. Is it a Chili ?
   a. is                b. no                            c. Onion
4. It is a ……………
          a. Clock                  b. Pillow                      c. shoes
     5. It is a ……………
     6. What is that ?
          That is a ………….
a. Table                b. Chair                       c. pen
7. What is this    ?
         This is…………..   
a.School bag        b. Pencil                      c. pen
    8. It is a ……………
   a. pen            b. Plate                        c. gas Stove
  9 Is it a book ?
   a. is    b. No,it is not                          c. yes

    10. It is a ……………
B. Match the kinds of word with the meaning !
    Cocokkanlah kata-kata berikut dengan artinya !
1.      Bottle                         (…….)             a.Wortel
2.      Spoon                         (…….)             b.bawang mirah
3.      Blanket                      (…….)             c. sepatu
4.      Door                           (…….)             d.Botol
5.      Drawing book            (…….)             e.Sendok

C. Fill in the blanks bellow!
Isislah titik berikut !
1.      It is a ………….book (Buku gambar)
2.      I Wear ……………..and shoes (Kaos kaki)
3.      My mother uses ……………… cut onion (Pisau ) 
4.      I Use …………………To write book (Bulpen)
5.      I bring ………To go to school  (Tas sekolah)
D. answer the question below !
    Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sesuai dengan gamabar !
1. What is this ? This is a………………
2. it is a……………….

3. What is that ? That is a……………….

4. It is a…………..

5. What is that  ? that is a …………..


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